You flickered back and forth between us
A silver fish caught on two lines, by separate fishermen
This way and that, almost as if we were tugging you.
Who would have known we were indeed the prey,
Caught and held by our own steely heartstrings?
And once you had teased and taunted us both,
Stripping us of our power, granting us an unusual camaraderie,
Was it not ironic that I decided the issue,
Bolting, a scared wolf cub?
I tripped, ungainly, on my over-sized ears as I fled
And looked back to see you
In his arms.
Totally expected, of course, but nevertheless
My world shattered
And a trail of blood over the
Myriad of colourful shards
Was all that marked my exit
Into the sober Hell you had made -
Tenderly - for me
Of cold reality.